Classes have been chill, getting out early, being canceled, doing nothing but review; it's been rather enjoyable. However, this calm trickery the professors seem to love only masks the hell they have ensued upon us as their students.
- Read and grade 3 of your classmates 3 page papers.
- Complete a massive individual math project
- Study for your math exam
- Prep for wednesdays math class
- study for your science exam
- complete your weekly 'what I learned' entry for science
- read your book of mormon
- enter the inspirations you had while reading into your class journal
- create a portfolio for your Communication major
- Create a "what's news" blog. Make entries over the weekend
- Complete a news article with the facts of a hurricane I gave you
- Visit a Rexburg city meeting before Wednesday and take notes so that you may later write an article
- Practice your violin until you feel accomplished or your fingers fall off. Whichever comes first
- Obtain a letter of recommendation