29 October 2012

3 years ago

3 years ago I had bone spurs removed from my heels.
An entire summer spent on the couch, and a year of physical therapy.
After all this I was supposedly better. They are always stiff before a run, or any physical activity for that matter, and I have to be extra careful when shoe shopping.

Tomorrow, I have another visit with my podiatrist. Why? Well, the pain is back.
About 2 weeks ago while simply walking to my apartment I felt the pain. A sharp stabbing ache in my left heel. Ohhhhh gooood.....

I made an appointment with the doctor who performed my surgeries and tomorrow I see him.

I'm praying that the bone spur isn't growing back, or even worse that I tore or snapped something.

Wish me luck

26 October 2012

Life Lately

It's been much too long since I've written here... But, I've been semi-busy/completely distracted with my life lately.

I love my new job. It's fast paced, busy, and challenging. I love the people I work with, and have made some very best friends. I have a steady schedule where I can leave exactly when I'm scheduled to. Instead of staying 4 hours later... It's a great fit for me.

I've been trying to get in to school. And, I'm about to quit and become a seamstress. (ha) 
BYU won't take me. Did anyone know that you have to have a 3.8 GPA to transfer to BYU? What student in their right mind keeps a GPA that high in college? I sure don't. UVU is making it awfully difficult to apply there. I thought that place was practically open enrollment... See my predicament? Thus my desire to become a seamstress.

My husband is fantastic. We have a great time being married. We play lots of video games, watch a lot of netflix, and eat out a lot. One day I'll learn how to cook. (Cooking would however be easier if a standard size cookie sheet or a 9x13 pan would fit in my elf sized oven...) We go on drives, buy new cars, and try to get by.  He lets me go on shopping trips with my friends, and I let him play computer games.

We decided the other day that Halloween isn't as fun when you're married without kids. No fun parties to meet lots of people, no trick-or-treating, no home made decorations or carving pumpkins. Well, I suppose we could do the last two things, but heaven knows I am not of the crafty type, and my skin is highly allergic to pumpkin guts. Go me. 

We are however, (mostly me) excited for Christmas!
I can't wait to throw up lights and set up the tree. (the hand me down tree from my home ward activities committee.) 
My husband thinks he knows how much I like Christmas... 
It's gonna be so great around here!