17 October 2011


Is the time you're standing on one side of the gate, the boy on the other, while the security man locks it for curfew... (You can open it from the inside, don't worry kids, we could still say our goodbyes)

I live in a college apartment complex. With nothing but young adults in sight. So screams, thumps and yelling are very common at late hours. What's strange is when you hear a toddler crying in the middle of the night. It's an almost Twilight Zone experience. (RA lives directly below me, in case you were wondering)

A blonde boy gave me 'the nod' in my writing class today. All he accomplished was arousing a firey passion to deck him, seeing as he called me a butterface the previous class. You're a winner.

My mother gave me the great news of fmily newsletters this morning. Apparently, since I'm an independent now, I must write my own entry... I hope the whole extended family is ready to hear my sadistic views...

I put the extra mattress below my bed so that when I fall out of my bed I hit the soft mattress, thus reducing the risk of breaking something or getting concussed. My subconscious has a marvelous sense of humor; I fell off the end of the bed this morning rather than the side. Hooray for bruises and a headache.

81% on my article for my journalism class. Came in second place behind a kid with 85%. Mr. Professor doesn't believe in A papers, says those grades go to the professionals, which we clearly are not. I feel accomplished.

Pots do a very good job at disappearing in 252. There's only so many cupboards, and only so many places they could be... I am now a firm believer in pot elves.

This laptop is a piece. I'm in fear of closing it and the screen breaking. I need a new one.

"That shirt really brings out the color in your eyes" "Thanks" "Did you know you have very green eyes?" "What?? Green?? Really? I always thought they were brown!" He didn't think I was funny... But I sure did.

Maybe one day I'll go back to writing deep thought paragraphs, insightful essays and heartfelt words. But for now we will stick with snippets. After all, journalism is all about concise and to the point right?

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