22 February 2011

And We Danced

The Hooters.

Thought for the day. Has anyone, during their high school career, noticed the high that occurs during a school date dance? I'm not talking about weed, lightin' up in the bathroom, or alcohol, but some kind of air that teenagers seem to breathe that night that makes them so much happier than they are otherwise?
-Kids that you would have thought never speak to each other were actually there together and left the dance holding hands looking like they might be up to a special something afterwords.
-Girls who exclude and ignore by functioning in their very tight and exclusive social circle give you hugs, sweet comments, and carry on conversations in the ladies room.
-Boys that look past you every day at school say hi and give you a quick, polite side hug. (He is on a date after all)
-Boys that don't speak to you anymore tell you how wonderful you look.
-Groups dance together that wouldn't want to be caught dead next to anywhere else.

Perhaps it's the lighting;we all assume that since the lights are down nobody can see who we really are.

Maybe events like this make teenage hormones go out the roof. Resulting in all sorts of inexplicable behavior.

Or maybe, maybe for one night we all put away or classic high school prejudices and love each other for just a few hours. That we all realize we don't have all the much time left together and decide to put past all the teenage food chain diagrams just for a night and thoroughly enjoy anyone and everyone's company.

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