24 February 2011

We've Only Just Begun

The Carpenters. Yes, this songs seems to be more about marriage but the title was just what I needed. Also, her voice seems to be rather soothing to my soul. I don't like her songs at all, but I like her tone. Don't judge.

Sophomores. I only associate with them in seminary and when they fall into the category of Katy's little sister's friends. But when you avoid high school like the plague and only take AP classes, Sophomores become rare. However at times I wish this weren't true. They seem to have this uppity positive outlook on everything I don't. I might have to stalk a few to breathe some second hand enthusiasm.

Ask them about high school, most are loving it and never want to leave. Weren't we all that way though? They can't wait for every Monday when they get to see all their friends and teachers again. They get to stalk senior boys. When you were 15 didn't you do that too? Once you become a senior this becomes obsolete and... pointless. The famed 'senior boys' are the children you watched eat glue and pee their pants in elementary school. They aren't quite as god like anymore.

Dances, spirit days, assemblies, pep rallies. These were your life when you were 15. White outs even included your underwear. Assemblies meant you sat first row and bit any kid who wanted your seat. You go to every single dance and arrive 15 minutes early and leave once student council kicks you out. Pep rallies mean you stand in front and scream until your voice goes on strike. You party every weekend and aren't caught dead with your family.

All these things seem silly now. White outs mean you put in a white hair tie, assemblies mean Wendy's run. Dances mean show up 2 hours late and leave 30 min early, or don't even show up at all. Pep rallies mean a quick Wendy's run. Weekends? Movies in your room.

Dear sophomores you've only just begun. Keep your spirit alive as long as you can. And don't file for a restraining order if you find me trying to breathe in your 'I love life and high school' attitude.

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