06 January 2011

A Lack of Color

Death Cab for Cutie. Please listen to it. It makes no sense. Sort of.

It's a day. Just a day. Nothing spectacular occurred. Nothing embarrassing happened. Nobody was mean, rude or spiteful. Everyone was in their norm. No surprises here. Rather than out of the ordinary extra ordinaries, we were forced to look for the hidden excitements. Try it.

A new tradition could have possibly been sparked today. Katy craved cinnamon, I craved sugar. A dessert treat, cinnamon roll and smoothie more than just hit the spot. Although we could have very well gained more weight than was consumed from all the whip cream and icing, this could occur monthly.

Procrastination and I get along. The key words in my AP English assignment- 'review' and 'begin'
Let me put those in senioritis language for you. Study the period before english. And don't begin. It's not technically due for a week. If you happen to be in this class, it's ok to cheer.

Oh how we all love the chastity lessons in good ol' seminary. This lesson however turned into: Boys, you must stay pure for your preisthood, mission, college, career, wife, family, future callings. Girls, you must stay pure for... well your temple marriage. I feel upstaged. I don't believe I've heard 'girls you need to get married' more in a 90 minute period than I did in 4th period seminary.

Well, I'm off to find myself a hubby.


  1. Mmm... You should come to Church with me in my single's ward. Then you'll beg to go back to seminary where they only mention how much chicks need to get married 100 times. :)

  2. brenna, here's my cheer. cause i didn't do any homework yesterday, cause nothing was due i nagoros :) and do you have christianson, cause i had the saaame lesson. ;P

  3. you know my mom? well she has already betrothed me to six boys, six. some are about six years older than me. so if your looking for a husband, she's your girl, matchmaker matchmaker make me a match
