09 November 2010

The Christmas Shoes

Any Artist. I'm sure you could find this song on multiple holiday albums. Also, this is possibly the worst Christmas song there is. There's those few songs, that claim to belong in the Christmas genre, like the song previously mentioned or the evil Last Christmas I gave you my heart. I mean come on. The Christmas shoes has a good point behind it but it's professional at getting on anyone's nerves. And last christmas is simply a I hate break ups song with the word christmas thrown in there. These songs abuse the joy of Christmas time.

My dad seems to think I see him as a scrooge, I don't. But to prove his point to me I came home from work last night and he had decorated my bedroom window with Christmas lights. If that doesn't put a smile on your face and a burning happiness in your soul than nothing can.

Yes I do know that Christmas is more than a month away, but I love the season, and working in retail brings Christmas season up a good two months.

I accessorized the tree in my front yard last Saturday, stringing at least 8 strands of Christmas lights up and down it's branches. I was 10 feet in the air on a ladder that was merely leaning on the little tree. I didn't really have a fear of heights, but I sure do now. And it didn't process through my mind until after I had completed my project that come spring, I was going to have to get back up on the ladder and take all the lights down. Please pray for me.

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