14 September 2010

Teenage Dream

Katy Perry. Please don't watch this music video. It's not appropriate. I'm definitely not old enough for it. I'm 18 tomorrow. Scary right? Yes, I know I act like I'm 5, and most of the time I wish I still was. Like tonight. And adult? Come on really? I'm not mature enough to handle all of it. Good thing it's still just high school and I don't have to grow completely up yet. I'm not a true teenager anymore though, no more illegal activities for me. -like I did so many of them in the first place. All talk is my middle name. And to Braden, who promised we would do something illegal but not dangerous, your time is up. I'm upset.

Let's think about this though. I have to start taking responsibility... Yeah right. Let's put that off until college. College? Let's procrastinate those applications as well. 18 isn't really that big of a deal. Like, what privileges do we really gain? We can't drink or club, so there's not point. (emphasis on my middle name here..)

Being a teenager is great. Messing around all weekend and trying to survive the week of homework, work and activities.
Stress- A roller coaster.
Hormones- an even bigger roller coaster.
crushes- new every week.
Texting- usually a constant
friends-whenever possible
parents-as little as possible
yearning for the summer bliss-indescribable
dances-a must
music-as loud as possible with the occasional yell singing with the car windows down
cars-crappiest ones around
curfews-vary from family to family but average to 1130

It's a ball. So live it up my friends. Because it's gonna end sooner than we think.

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