15 September 2010


B.o.b. But let's just call them bob. And to those of you with the inside scoop, we all know how cool bob is. I could find no other way to describeItalic my day. Pure magic. With the swagger and beat included. And I feel like a list won't do this day justice, so here it goes.

It started out like any other wednesday. The early morning violin lesson, which I love going to, but when you stand there for the whole hour watching your teacher write in fingerings for the music you probably will never learn to play isn't icing on the birthday cake. Missed my ride to school, awesome. Almost late for Stats as well. And that's where the magic takes off.

Walking into stats my eyes naturally shifted to my desk, whose doesn't?, and I saw it. The massive number 18 floating above a bag of swedish fish and a bag of dove dark chocolate.( if you want to get on my good side, these two items are a wonderful start. an almost definite guarantee we will be friends. or possibly more...) The sight made me smile. Wouldn't it make you smile? But then the craziness started.

The most awkward situation a person could ever be put in would be when a group sings the birthday song to them. What are you supposed to do but stand there and look awkward and red faced? It's a tragedy, and I will never have to deal with anything worse. I promise.

So my class sang to me, as my teacher yelled over it all, your mom brought those in this morning!! Lovely. My mom truly rocks. But I could have done without the singing. Then, thanks to Katy, the pedestrians of the 100 hall sang to me on my way to Orchestra. Nothing magical happened there, however I did discover leopard patterned duct tape. Epic. But of course, my orchestra director made the class sing to me at the end...

Thank heavens for independent music study period. My refuge. It was great to just play for me and for my Heavenly Father. (I play for him every time I pick up my violin) Then I get one of those smile to the world texts from my perfect big sister Amber that she was checking me out to take me to lunch.

Amber is my role model. My hero. And I love her to death. She's too funny. And my favorite thing about her is that I can be myself around her, and all she does is watch and laugh at me. I dance around in public, sing out of tune and way too loud, and make stupid comments, and all she does is laugh and watch me make a big fool of myself. I'm lucky I don't embarrass her. Something I will never understand. Lunch was great. I love talking to her, deep topics and all that jazz.

Then seminary. Love that class. My favorite now that I finally have a teacher who appreciates my personality instead of shutting me down... But my teacher rapped a rap for me. (rapped a rap?) Always fun. Not to mention the certain people who said happy birthday and had conversations with me who don't like to talk to me much anymore. Made my day even more magical.

Winning the Powderpuff football game? Magic. Losing the softball game? Not so magical. But hey, lose some and lose some. At least that's how my team works right now... But then the real magic began.

Birthday presents are great, but the best was Amber opening her mission call. She's going to serve the Lord in Spain Madrid. It's incredible and I couldn't be more excited for her. I gave her a big hug and we both got teary eyed. Her being my role model, and seeing how happy she was then? Makes me want to serve a mission now. I think it'll happen. and the happy icing on my birthday cake, (I had to blow out 3 candles 6 times by the way) was getting a happy birthday text from someone who I haven't spoken to in many months. Yes we are around each other daily, but we don't talk. Made my day.

All in all it was a near perfect day. And right now you're thinking, hey, I want a perfect day too!
You can make it happen, have the attitude and perspective of a perfect day, and it'll happen. I guarantee it. Thanks to everyone who made my 18th birthday so magical.

p.s. To Lecy Jill and Katy who kidnapped me yesterday morning for breakfast, don't use a see through pillow case next time, and let the victim put pants on. Walking outside to a brisk september morning in spandex is never enjoyable.

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