28 September 2010

Sweet and Low

Augustana. I chose this song simply because I'm in a sweet song mood, and it's one of my favorites on my sweet and slow playlist.

What I learned today

- that simply stating a fact to a wired teacher is a bad idea and will lose you points in class.
- Procrastinating the massive research project is a horrible idea.
- Broadcasting on the radio is quite enjoyable. I like picking what everyone else has to listen to for an allotted amount of time. However, my voice and diction could use some work.
- Bake delicious brownies for a boy once and he will ask you for more every day after.
- Senior games are always exciting. Congratulating the girls who helped bring your team to what they are. Seeing them grow up and move on to better things. Watching your best friend's senior game however, is extremely depressing. It means we're done with high school sports, our glory days. And that soon we are going to have to grow up. Horrid.
- A game show put on by your stake leaders has great potential, just don't ever get your hopes too high. Ah, I love being the only team to get ripped off.... Losing? Sinks my boat.
- Glee. This show will always make you happier inside.
- Math homework late at night tends to result in to flipping to the back of the book, and giving half-hearted answers.
- Boys who usually sleep during english have hilarious 'under the breath' comments. However, don't laugh too loud. The teacher thinks you're laughing at him.
- Breath is a nasty word. I hate it. Along with crevice and moisture. Horrible words.
- Big hair is a small town Idaho thing. Please stop with the ratting ladies. It's over done....

Best friends make life so much easier to handle.

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