21 September 2010

Live It Up

Group 1 Crew. Got to love free music tuesday on itunes. Sometimes diamonds in the rough are found. Such as today.

It's high school everyone let's live it up. We're teenagers let's live it up. We don't have bills to pay live it up. God loves everyone of us live it up.

High School, the ultimate place to 'live it up' am I right? Yeah our responsibilities and lives seem overwhelming when we look at it, but in all honesty, it's not as bad as it's going to get. So treasure it. But in honor of this high school theme, let's make a pro/con list. I quite enjoy my occasional list. It's almost soothing.

Let's discuss the positives today

-The social life. We all have one, no matter how big or small, it's there
-The friends. Some we only see at school and won't be a part of our lives after graduation. But others will be a part of us until death. Either way they're making an impact on who you're gonna turn out to be.
-Classes. Yeah yeah, they suck. But hey, we get to pretend to be smart so colleges will like us and let us live on their campus. So let's pay attention. Unless it's one of 'those' classes, where paying attention isn't necessary for a good grade, if that's the case, Target has coloring books for cheap.
-Teachers. They mold our minds... ha yeah right. True they teach us how to pass tests, but that's about it. In all honesty, I don't think I'm going to retain much after graduation. Let's hope I'm wrong. Back to teachers. If you're like me, your personality is hard to handle, and getting along with people can be a problem. If this is the case, you've never been the apple of your teachers eye and the words 'out in the hall' become a common phrase in your life. So arguing and getting scolded becomes regular. And it becomes a joy and hilarity in your life. Gotta love high school.
-Lunch. The limited time period we all live for. The time where we can go home if we choose, go out to eat, or just hang around the school. Any option is near bliss. Home? A relaxing period where you can go to the bathroom comfortably. (my phobia of public restrooms shines through) And eat as much as you want, knowing the food is decent. Out to eat? A glimpse of weekend with friends. Always fun but usually results in bankruptcy or tardies. Hangin around the school? aka social hour with anyone and everyone. nuff said.
-The opposite gender. High school is flirt central, and don't anyone say they don't flirt. If you go to high school you flirt. The saying, 'there's someone out there for everyone' can't ring more true than in high school. I've seen jocks, dancers, drama, band, geniuses, cheerleaders, and everyone inbetween flirt. It happens, and it's extremely enjoyable to watch. But to be honest with everyone I do it more than the average person. It might not be healthy.
-Extra curriculars. Everyone has got one. Whether it's fashion, sports, music, extra classes, MATC, work, service, drama, or your personal hobby. We've all got one, and without high school we wouldn't be able to figure out which one we like the best. Which one truly describes who we are.
-Seminary. Land the right teacher and it'll be the best class of your life.
-Hallways. Human traffic central. Hallway is code for, everyone crowd the one corner at once so smaller people can't even dream about getting to the other side. While some people would put this on their con list, I put it on pro. Why you may ask? It's hilarious the things that go on in hallways. You've got PDA, fights, yelling, screaming, singing, dancing, laughing, talking, running. Everything a person can do, it has happened in a high school hallway. My personal favorite is pda. No, I'm not sicko creeper, I just truly love watching the awkwardness and abnormality of it all. It's cute, the couple really likes each other. But trying to show it while getting run over by countless kids? It's funny. Not to mention all the stares they get. Kids can't take their eyes off it. Probably for various reasons, but they're also funny to watch. People watching. It's kind of an obsession in my book.

High School is fabulous. So much going on, but sooner than we can even grasp it's going to be gone. So live it up while you can.

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