22 September 2010

High School

Superchick. They're alright. Not always my music but this song couldn't be more appropriate for what I'm about to say. Yesterday I said my main loves about high school. Today, let's discuss the dislikes. Cross your fingers this list doesn't get out of control.

-Early mornings. Come on, we're teenagers. We go with sleep like peanut butter and jelly. It's a must. So a couple extra hours or so? I would love it. And I would be a much nicer person in the mornings if this were to happen.
-Math. Come on, it's a joke. We all know I'm not going to go into a profession that requires more than algebra 2. If a kid really loves math, let them excel at it and make the classes optional. But for those of us who don't? Required classes all through high school seriously sucks.
-Science. yeah, not my cup of tea. sure it's interesting, but not interesting enough to keep my attention and to make me want to learn more. I'm lucky I can write stories about octopus's and have story time with DJ or I would probably die of boredom. We all know that if you throw oil on the floor and walk on it you're gonna slip. Let's not test it.
-Packed hallways. Yes, this was on the positive list, but I have mixed feelings about these hallowed halls. The major congestion, the pushing, shoving and yelling isn't a party. I would love to avoid it. Too bad it's physically impossible.
-Teachers. Nobody cares about your personal life. If they did they would be your friend. We aren't in your class to be your friend. Please just teach us. And the incessant teasing and anger towards certain students is getting old. I'm not that bad....
-No electronics. Yeah, because I'm going to listen to a song on my ipod that's gonna give me all the answers to my stats test.... I get good grades, please humor my short attention span
-Homework. What a joke.
-Drama. Oh we love friends. But each friend comes with potential drama. I've been lucky to land a best friend who avoids drama like a fat kid avoids a treadmill. Lucky for her I attract drama like nobody else. It sucks. So let's all grow up and get over this juvenile crap. We're better than this right?
-Boys. They're much more confusing than girls.
-Knowitalls. There's one in every class. Question is, is it you? For your sake I hope it's not. The ones that know every answer and don't give the slower kids a chance to understand. Or the kids that interrupt the teachers every sentence making the lesson stop. Some of us have a short attention span, if it's broken by someone other than me? I'm not a happy camper. Or the kids who become the teacher's best friend.... Yeah you're keepers.
-Popularity contests. Each school has the popular kids. But are they really popular? They have friends, but we all do. People know who they are, but people know others as well. The only reason you're popular is because you obsess with taking pictures of your various outings and throwing them all over facebook. We all have social lives, we just choose to enjoy them rather than document the good times of everyone but ourselves. Please get over yourselves.
-Imprisonment. For 3 years we are all trapped under the same roof for 7+ hours every day for months. Then we go on leave, only to come back for more. It's torturing. Thank heavens it's my last year. I've been waiting to get out since halfway through sophomore year. I don't care if it goes too fast. Let it end please.
-Stupid people. You know, the people who drop your IQ several points with every word that comes out of their mouth? What a treat.
-Stress. It leaks out of every pore of every students body.
-Hormones. We all have them. Some of us cry for no reason, some of us get uncontrollable acne. Some of us get massive BO. Some of us sweat like, well football players. It also makes us wish that the opposite gender wasn't so confusing. Hooray for puberty.
-Class of 2010. Without you I don't have a desire to come to school at all. Orchestra is pointless without my first circle friends. I miss you all. I miss the Seniors. I keep thinking you all will pop up one day. Yeah that won't happen.... I hope the juniors now will miss me just as much as I miss my older class.

This isn't all, but it's all that strikes my mind at the moment.
My heart goes out to the kids who hopefully don't turn out to be an older version of who they are now. And cross your fingers graduation comes sooner.

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