12 September 2010

August Is Over

We the Kings. August is definitely over my friends. Yes, it is nearly halfway through september, but things are settling in, so August, summer, heat, and carefree, are all words you can start to forget. Go ahead, put them in the back of your mind, and leave them there. You won't need them til May at the earliest.
It's getting cold in the mornings and evenings. That'll put a damper on things won't it? Not to mention the weeknights filled with homework and preparing. This just struck me, but has anyone ever noticed that during the summer we all live in the moment? Not truly worrying about what's to come until that day? How we live every day to the fullest, filling each with as much as we can. But when school comes, we all start stressing about homework, projects, tests, performances, games, and all the other random activities that make up our lives. Yep, August is over. It's not the happiest thought to think I know. But hey, school and fall/winter has some good things right? ha... if you think of any please let me know. Summer is a beautiful thing, and I tend to hold onto it until the last possible moment. And that particular moment usually falls around my birthday, which happens to be in 3 days... So I am finally admitting to myself that the cold seasons are coming. But hey, that means Christmas time is that much closer!!
Start counting down, I know deep down we all do it.

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