03 March 2012

Be My Only

FM Radio

Deciding what to wear took me longer than it ever has. I wasn't supposed to know tonight was the night, but I did. The butterflies have never been this big.
I'm halfway through my make-up when my dad comes in and says, "Brenna, he's here! Shouldn't you be ready by now?" I knew Will said 7... it's just like him to pick this one date to actually be early...

I come upstairs purposely not wearing a black top. Why? Because every time I wear black, he does as well. It must be our mutual "I always look good in this" color. I look and see him, oh yes, wearing black. He has always look so good in that shirt....
He opens the door for us to leave, and my mom giddily pushes us out. She knew...

The car ride to dinner consisted of me unsuccessfully trying to get out of him what the real plans were for the night. All I knew was, "we're gonna have fun" Helpful right?

Outback was packed... We stood a little too close together while waiting for the table. But, you would too if you only had one weekend a month with each other.
Our table was ready faster than expected thanks to call ahead, and to the distaste of the too much glitter, designer jeans and 5 carat ring couple near us.

I've been on countless dinner dates with Will, but for some strange reasons, I felt as if it was a first date. I was full of butterflies, shy, embarrassed when he complimented something about me, and had a hard time forming sentences. After nine months he still has this effect on me.
We talked all through dinner, ignoring the world around us. As dinner was wrapping up I asked him what was next on our agenda. Why I even bothered asking I'll never know because my response was this "fun times"

We get in the car and he just starts driving. Not giving me any sort of hint at all. My thoughts of frustration at this point were this "well, at least I'm not blindfolded..." (Ironic)

We drive to rock canyon in Provo. Note that this is where he first kissed me on a warm summer night and where we had a make or break relationship talk back in December. There's a certain spot up that canyon that is dear to our hearts.
Now, I knew the proposal was tonight, and what better place to propose right? So I'm looking around for anything, any sort of frivolous item that would give it away. I looked in vain. Before sitting down he gets down on one knee, looks up at me and says, wow, I need to sit down.
He's so funny sometimes....
We sit up there, talking and enjoying the moment looking over all of the valley when we see a group of not so smart teenagers huddled around a fire pit. Shortly after we notice the teenagers, we notice a police car pull up into the parking lot below.
Well, time to go.
We walk down, and the kids were pretty close to the bridge(if you've been here you will know what I'm talking about) and as we crossed the bridge we saw a police officer crouched in the bushes and watching them. We passed him nonchalantly, and simply drove away. Oh the joys of not looking like a troublesome teenager. Although... being with a 22 year old probably helps as well.
We get in the car and Will says, Brenna, let's go swing at a park! He gets spontaneous like this rather often, but I knew that nothing tonight was going to be spontaneous. So he pulls in to Rock Canyon Park. Little did he know there aren't any swings around this park. It's a big bowl. So we walked around for a little when I had the sudden urge to roll down the hill. However, Will wouldn't let me, telling me I would mess up my hair and get my clothes dirty. (I guess it's a good thing that one of us in this relationship cares about this sort of thing) After much convincing and puppy eyes I convinced him to let me, sort of. He zipped up my jacket all the way up, put on my hood, tucked in my hair after me being told to tie it back, and then he zipped up his jacket that I was wearing. I looked somewhat like the Michelin man. I then was allowed to roll down the hill. Good thing it was a big enough hill to make all that hassled worth it.
After I get up and my dizziness fades, we walk back to the car and he says, hey Brenna, let's dance. So he turns on his music and we danced for a few songs. Perfect.

We get in the car again, and stop by Borders 10 minutes before closing to find a birthday present for Sarah. Due to my inability to make a quick decision, and his ability to do the exact opposite, we settled on a book of his choosing.

Getting in the car again he says, so, I'm out of ideas for the night. Let's just go back to my place and chill? Oh...

Note:I was told for weeks in advance that this date was to make up for his absence on Valentines Day. That this date was going to be so fun, more than worth my trip down here.

We get back to his place, and I embarrassingly admit that I was very put out. The night was over, and my ring wasn't anywhere to be seen. So, thanks to my glass of Dr. Pepper and glass of water at dinner, I made a quick trip to the bathroom. After coming back out to his front room I look and the front door ajar with him standing outside talking to someone. I heard bit and pieces, and something along the lines of "We're leaving in 5-10 minutes" So. My night wasn't over.

He comes back in, and we talk for a few minutes when he then says "Brenna! We never went swinging in the park! Come on I want to swing. Let's go." hmm.
We drive down the road from his apartment, and right past the nearest park. The one I figured we would be stopping at. "Umm... Will, you passed the park." "I know" a few turns later he pulls over, reaches into the back seat, pulls out an overly large tie and says, "blindfold yourself" You're kidding me right?

I hate being blindfolded. It's truly one of the worst feelings ever. Probably why he enjoys doing it so often. This had better have been the last time.

I resentfully put it on, and we drive and drive.
And drive and drive and drive. Good grief, where was this kid going?

"Where are we going?" "Umm. We're on the freeway" "No we aren't, there's no car sounds. It's too quiet to be the freeway" (contrary to what some of you might believe, I'm not all that unobservant at times.) Also, I suffer from serious motion sickness. Which is a real treat when blindfolded and driving rather rapidly up Provo canyon....

I was getting very car sick.

About 15-20 minutes into our drive he pulls over with the comment, "umm, there's a cop" Oh awesome, my boyfriend is going to get arrested....
But then again, I would pull a car over too if I saw there was a girl blindfolded in the car that was driving much too fast.
He asks us what we're doing. "meeting up with some friends, I'm surprising her."
Do you have any weapons or drugs? "no sir. do you want to check?"
Wow you guys are boring.
and with that he left.
Will then tells me, "uhh, Brenna I have to make a call"
He makes a call and all I hear was the name 'Justin' one of his good friends. hmm. How stealthy of him to yell not even 5 feet from where I'm sitting.
He gets back in the car, bickers with me to put the stupid blindfold back on, and we are on our again.
about 5 minutes later he pulls over and says, 'wait here, but leave the blindfold on' yeah right. That thing came off so fast. Sorry Will...
I couldn't see anything but beautiful falling snow, shadows of several people, and glowing lights...

He starts walking back, so I slide the blindfold back on. "something came up, but I brought something for you, hold out your hands" Umm... funny.
It took some persuading, but I finally put my hands out, and then a small puppy was given to me. (this justifies an- awwwww! :) )
I hold the puppy for a good 5 minutes, without the blindfold again, when I see him walking yet again back to the car. I set the dog on the seat next to me, an slide the blindfold back on. He opens his door, grabs the dog who he hands to his owner and friend, and then comes around to get me out.
Walks me a little ways through the still heavily falling snow and let's me take off the blindfold. We are surrounded by floating lanterns. (like in Tangled)
He turns around, looks at me for a second, then gets down on his knee. He says a few sweet things to me, and then says, will you marry me? I didn't even have to say anything, just a few quick nods of my head and he stood up. We then were being photographed by his friends like we were walking down the red carpet.

The night was perfect, and the snow made it magical.

We're in love, engaged, and couldn't be happier.
We will be married in the Draper Temple on July 14th.

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