15 August 2011

Long Time No See

It's been a while, but distractions of a summer drawing to a close have captured my full attention.

Got my wisdom teeth out this morning, lovely. I didn't sing, or ramble on like most have on the anesthesia. I simply scolded my mom for going 4 over the speed limit on the way home. Now I'm writing on Loretab. Good luck me.

Yellowstone is full of hidden beauties. I climbed all over the rocks and waterfalls, nearly waded across a river, raced my dad who then ended up scraped and bruised from tripping shortly after throwing rocks at me. Fished and didn't catch anything. Fell in love with the Teton's, climbing them is now on my list of things to do before I'm 30. Witnessed my aunt waking up to fresh mouse droppings on her bed. Witnessed moose (meese?) right outside the cabin window, and experienced a hick town, city population 215, sacrament meeting. Boy was that an experience for the books.

These are only 2 small things, what else has been distracting me you might ask? The boy. The one who tends to hold my wrist rather than my hand to make me feel even more like a child, Explores rocks and waterfalls with me, loves watching movies, shares my love for walks, doesn't understand my fetish for feet, plays one on one basketball with me and doesn't let me win but starts to get extremely aggressive when I come close to beating him. He's the one from Texas that can't comprehend my love and obsession with snow and Christmas time. The one to take on the task of really teaching me to longboard. No matter how many scars I might obtain. (We're up to 4 now) The one who sings at the top of his lungs, then turns timid when he realizes I'm staring. The one who has a cow when I tell his 26 year old friends I'm barely 16. We grocery shop late at night, and, per his request, venture to all of my childhood memory locations.
The one who I'm leaving in less than a month. And am not sure how it's going to pan out.

Maybe one day you all can meet him.

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