18 January 2011

Rivalry 11

Amber Ryan And Sophie.

Amber Ryan and I are all 3 years and 2 months apart. 21 18 and 15. And I suppose Heavenly Father thought we needed a little innocence and hyperactivity in our family, so he sent us Sophie, 7.

We all have our moments where we get along better than a 3rd party member would ever think siblings could. Ryan and I go on dates. Sophie and I go on adventures, and Amber and I wander shopping centers.

Then there's the backstage scenes when all the cameras are off. Yelling and fighting are often found during our commercial breaks. We're like any other family of 4 children. However, rather soon Amber is embarking on a mission to Spain, and a few months after that I'm leaving for school. 2 kids left. The Lewis house will be rather quiet....

1 comment:

  1. Can we add Joseph Gordon-Levitt to your list of men to have to be in the same movie? Nothing to do with this post but there is no place to comment on the tangents... so I will comment here. I'm in love with this man.
