31 January 2011

Don't Go

Benton Paul. Jill is lovely for introducing this to me via her facebook status.

I sincerely apologize to all of you out there who are starting to notice my stressful posts and worrisome attitude, it'll pass when Amber leaves, my scholarships are finished, my auditions are over, and when I have a plan. So... that makes my stress cycle end around... July.

Utah State just notified me that I'm to audition for scholarships and orchestras on Saturday. I'm rather excited. Horribly nervous though. I could very easily pass out in the middle of one of my songs... That would make for a rather exciting audition though, I wouldn't be easily forgotten. But this audition has many upsides: a road trip with Katy, a whole day with Becca, a tour of a campus I might be attending, and who knows what other adventures I might encounter.

Wednesday I might be in a coma. Everyone seems to be leaving. Andrew, Richie, Amber and Keaton. Thanks for all leaving me at once. You all will be amazing missionaries, and the world will be blessed immensely from all the work you will all put in. I'd rather just sleep for a year or two and wake up when you all return. But, if Annie and Becca can wait it out, so can I. So here it goes.

Letters of recommendation can make or break your scholarships. Thank goodness I went to my English teacher. Kind of. We have never gotten along, I spent more than 1o of his classes sitting in the hallway, and he tends to yell at me when I argue his opinions. But he, for some unknown reason,(i vote drugs) he wrote me an amazing letter. He made me seem like the perfect student. He took my quality of never shutting my mouth and turned it into confidence, open mindedness and vocal. Oh the power of words. I feel like he deserves cookies, but that scares me.

I had to leave lunch with my family early today to retrieve the letter previously mentioned. I had only eaten half of my food, so I told my mom to have it put in a box for me and I bolted. Mistake. My dad and grandfather ate it. It was possibly the biggest disappointment of my day.

Oh to be a child and worrying about which crayon, or an adult with a set career. What an awkward stage we are all in.

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