21 January 2011

13-The Late Letter

I would like to think my week went something like this:
A girl woke up one day to find her school had disappeared, absolutely nowhere to be found. Rather confused she hopped back into her car and drove in the direction of her home. She was nearly there when a giant man slammed her car to a stop. He then told her that there was a mistake with admissions several years ago, and she was supposed to be admitted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she was 11. He then handed her an envelope with her name written rather beautifully on top. It explained many things but here is the summary. Seeing as she was now 18, she could still attend and take the fast track to becoming a responsible witch.
With no hesitance whatsoever she accepted.
She then traveled to England and obtained all the necessary items a witch or wizard would need to attend this school. More thrilled than she had ever been in her life, she then ventured into the school. This brings us to the present, perhaps I will tell you more of my adventures at a later time.

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