21 October 2010



I went through the day in one of those, I hate life moods. Stupid of me right? Yes I know, but I couldn't help it for some reason or another. I don't recommend a statistics class to anyone. Especially when placed near people who understand the concepts without even looking at the board. Yeah, the stupid people you're talking about and snickering at? That's me. Thank you.
I'm at the edge of my rope with orchestra. Going into it would turn nasty so I'll just leave it at that.
Seminary was probably great, but I didn't listen. I had to annotate a paper, no, book, for english. The man who wrote it simply contradicted himself in every paragraph. I didn't learn anything, but then how could I when he didn't even know the answer to his own questions. I strongly believe I wasted my time. No big deal though. I'm just a high school student with a job and social life. I obviously have oodles of time to spare.
I arrived in the parking lot thinking, awesome, another addition to horrible no good very bad day. But then Annie got out of her car. That girl can turn any frown upside down and then some. I can't be grateful enough for her. She had just received something special in the mail, and I'm glad her giddy outlook rubbed off on me. Things at work are turning for the better. We will see where things go from here. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves, let's just hope I get over the trip and drop everything everywhere stage. But with my luck and past experience, don't get your hopes up.
I got home and realized how much homework I actually had, and accepted the fact that I was going to have to lock myself in my room for the night. Wrong. Who knows how but I finished it all in record time. Giving me time to watch Big Bang Theory. Don't fret if you haven't heard of it, it's just one of the most clever and humorous shows known to man. Then while laying on my couch I decided I needed dessert. All credit goes to my big sister who has a car and more money than me. Pastry isle at Smith's, full of fat and sugar, please never leave my life.

I spent the day in self pity, thinking, in the words of Mika "I hate days like this" But soon after this phrase he sings about rain. And to me, rain is better than sunshine. My day was secretly raining all day long.

-My violin
-The comments you lovely people leave on my posts. You genuinely make my day.
-Mika's voice. If anyone can hit those high notes please see me immediately.

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