20 October 2010

Dental Care

Owl City. And yes, I went to the dentist today.

Over the years I've had an inner debate going on inside my head deciding whether or not to become a dental hygenist. I could always see myself in such a career, for you see, I have a major obsession with brushing my teeth. And that's an understatement. So if I love brushing and cleaning my own teeth, who's to say I won't love cleaning someone else's? I am.

I decided today while sitting under the bright light decorated with a pastel bib that, the dental field was not for me. Mouths are disgusting. Repulsive, no wonder I obsess with keeping mine clean. I cringe at my own nastiness, no way am I going to voluntarily deal with someone else's. They were digging into the crevices of my mouth, and touching my teeth with their hands, even with gloves on that thought grosses me out, and it's my mouth they're touching. Scraping and cleaning and washing. Oh it just makes me cringe. I'm so glad I decided against the dental field. I couldn't do it.

While laying in my chair making odd faces from the cleaning process, the assistant was talking to me. Asking me actual questions. Umm, miss? My mouth if full of your hands and tools, I clearly can't respond. Give up please. I understand that you can get bored, and can only talk to the same co-workers everyday, but that's what mix-n-mingles are for, don't go asking me about my life. I'd be happy to chat another time when my mouth is is able to open and shut on command, but for now please leave me be. I'm glad my teeth are healthy, spending more time in there than normal would make me a bit crazy.

I love my clean teeth. A lot. But I don't have the capacity to love anyone else's. I apologize.

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