06 September 2010

I Love to Laugh

Mary Poppins. One of the best movies of all time, and possibly the greatest song in the whole darn thing. Mary and Bert give many examples of the different kinds of laughs, but they forget one very important, and probably the most common laugh. The dreaded awkward laugh. If you deal with countless amounts of people you've never met and will most likely never see again like I do (as a cashier at Old Navy) then you've got the awkward laugh down. Admit it, when a cashier asks you if you found everything you were looking for, and you say no, what do they do? Apologize and laugh awkwardly. Then as your awkward useless conversation continues both of you laugh at the end of every sentence, awkwardly because neither of you know what to do. And let's be real, the awkward laugh is everywhere. Your teachers do it, you do it, your parents and your friends. Everyone. I'm starting to think it's a natural reflex we do to break awkward silences. (if this post were put into wordle awkward would be huge.) But now let's give an honorable mention to the people with the laughs that make everyone else laugh. The loud ones, (I'm biased to favor these ones. If yours is louder than mine I adore you) the snickers, the hisses and many more. But my all time favorite, my dear best friend Katy's. If you get her really laughing, and I mean really laughing she sounds like a cartoon character. And I will always love her for it. So to sum things up, don't do the awkward laugh, it's completely unnecessary and just makes the situation worse.

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