02 September 2012

The Happenings

Well, as my announcement to the cyber world.... I QUIT OLD NAVY. Isn't it about time? It sure was for me. I turned in my two weeks about a week ago, and have 2 remaining shifts at that crazy place. I left on semi-good terms, and well, I'm more than thrilled to be out of there. My entire attitude has changed. I didn't realize how badly it was bringing me down to work in an environment that I hated. With my new job, training for nearly 9 hours a day, even that has cheered me up. I'm even running again. Old Navy was such a downer. I am however, more than grateful for the experiences, and the 3 years of employment there. Without Old Navy, I wouldn't have met Husband, I wouldn't have met my Annie, The Grinch, and so many more of my very best friends. I wouldn't have had a job that worked around my school and sport schedule in high school, and allowed me to transfer back and forth when I went to school in Idaho. My 3 years there was such a blessing, but it was time for me to grow up and have new experiences. I am ready for change.

In other news...

I watched Legacy yesterday. What a blessing the pioneers were to all of us here. I really need to get to the temple more often. 

Running up the hill to my apartment is a big joke. My legs nearly fall off every time.

So like, Clueless is on Netflix. So fat. 

William asked me last night if he could spend $150 on books. I asked him which ones. They are all related to programming, games design and graphics. He was like a kid asking Santa Clause when he was telling me about them. I clearly married a nerd. So adorable. 

I'm making dinner tonight. Everyone wish me luck that things don't explode or light on fire...

William bought me 2 video games last night. Fable III and Project Gotham Racing III. I am highly addicted to both. 

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