29 July 2012

Married Student Ward

Well, at least it's not as quiet as a singles ward....

Will and I, totally lost when we arrived at church this morning at 7:55 a.m.(and yes, our church really does start at 8.) had to track down a random bishop and then the stake presidency to find our ward and their location in the massive building.

After tracking them down and walking in late to a combined lesson of relief society/priesthood, we learned an awful lot simply by observation.
The bishop is fantastic. He won't shove baby making down our throats and wishes for the both of us to finish our college education.
People react in 3 different ways when new members arrive in the ward.
1. They welcome you cheerfully and converse politely with you.
2. They stare at you when you're not looking and avert their eyes when you look back.
3. They stare at you whether you're looking or not and refuse to break that stare for anything.

Church wasn't as bad as we anticipated. And we even made friends. 'insert fist bump'

However, I have yet to experience relief society on my own, and have yet to receive a calling.

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