04 July 2012

10 Days

10 days and counting... It's coming up so soon.
When we first got engaged and set the date, July 14th didn't seem so far away. But as time went by, it seemed like the day would never come. 6 months is much to long. And now, it's only 10 days away.
Things still need to be done, we aren't 100 percent ready, but we will be.
We start moving in to the apartment on Friday.
I'm so excited.
I'm so nervous.
I didn't think the nerves would come. I've known for a long time this is what I wanted. I still know without a doubt that it's the right decision. But, right or wrong, it's a huge decision. The biggest one I will ever have to make. And I'm nervous.
There isn't cold feet, just nerves.
This day is coming a lot like graduating high school did. It was always in the distance, something I knew would happen to me one day. But something that was so far away that I never really thought about it. And then, before I knew it, I was standing in line backstage waiting to hear my name called.
I knew I would get married. Just never this soon.
And then I knew I would marry Will, it just seemed like it was always so far away.
And it's next Saturday.
I'm in love, I'm excited, but boy am I nervous.

1 comment:

  1. i've tagged you dear. http://inthemindofannie.blogspot.com/2012/07/i-guess-its-my-turn.html
