25 March 2012

Farewell Rexburg

Well, since I have nothing but finals and projects coming up, I will write this now while I have a little bit of time.

It's been a great 2 semesters up here, and well, I'm going to miss this place.
I won't miss the weather, I won't miss the tiny nothingness that's up here.

But I will miss a lot of the people. The teachers. The experiences I've had. And I will definitely miss the spirit that is up here.

I do know that Provo is the next step for me, I can't wait to come home for good, and finally stop saying goodbye to Will. But I truly will miss the atmosphere up here.

The spirit knew what he was doing when he gave me the impression that this was the right place for me.

It's been a good time Rexburg. Perhaps I will be back to visit soon, I'm very ready to come home and be done with the semester. But it's a definite bitter sweet feeling.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to read this! I wasn't sure how you felt about having gone up there to school. Just seemed like all I heard was the negative... I am so glad that you still feel like it was the right decision for you and that you enjoyed the journey a bit!

    On the other hand...So excited to have you close to home! Love you :)
