25 February 2012

That One Night

That one night he asked me

I must have said yes

(the story is a work in progess)

24 February 2012

The Workin Girl

Well, the plans were flipped around.

Didn't get in to Provo. (I suppose struggling in a math and science class really hurts your GPA)
Got in last fall, not this fall...

I'm taking the semester off.
I'll work, learn how to be a good wife, and work some more. Hopefully save up to buy a car.

Crazy how so many life plans can change all because of one e-mail.

(Story and pictures of the engagement to come soon)

16 February 2012


It's been an entire month and I'm dying.

I'm going to be a jittery mess during my classes tomorrow.

I'm hopping in my car the second I get out of English.

I'm headed to Utah.


14 February 2012

Valentimes Day

I think it's extremely adorable when children say valentiMes, and it always sends those fond memories of mailboxes, fun cards, lots of candy, and the stomach flip I got every time I opened the card written by my crush, only to find that they never wrote something sweet or secret.

It's the first year I've had a boyfriend on this day, and, well, due to long distance and a 3-day migraine, I'm spending it in my room with homework, Dr. Pepper, Frank Sinatra and Excedrin.

Lots of love to all of you out there! I hope you all have a chocolatey day!

08 February 2012


I am starting to believe that I am becoming a rather boring person. As of Sunday, I have texted and called a total of 2 people. Them being Will, and my mom. Go me.
I wake up, attend school, do my homework(occasionally taking breaks to look at venues, colors and flowers) go to work, wait for 9 p.m. so that I can talk to Will, and then go to bed. It's a truly riveting life, I know.

I would make a change, but I don't see why I should. There is more than enough change coming up for me after the semester that I should enjoy my solid routine while I still can.
Be social you say? Whatever for? I'm much too in love with my heated blanket to try for a social life.

04 February 2012

At One Point

Each person should have to endure 2 things.

1. A long distance relationship
2. A holiday season working in retail

02 February 2012

Fighting the Crusaders

Some nights, we get mad. Why? That needs to remain private for the moment. (sorry)

When I get mad I shake, my voice cracks like a 12 year old boy, I don't think about what comes out of my mouth, and I'm wired.

I honestly could have ran 1 million miles last night, while fighting off the crusaders single handed.

I woke up just as bad, ready to take on a militia.

However, my hair possibly soaked up all the anger over night, because I woke up with a lions mane/koosh ball.

Anger probably isn't very flattering, but it sure does get my heart racing.