31 January 2012

The Man Your Man Can Smell Like

We aren't sure why, even after a long process of investigation, but our room smells like man.
and not the good kind that you would find wandering around Abercrombie half naked

We smelled the beds, the closet, our clothes, each other, and just about everything else. We smell just fine. (My hair especially)

It could be the stench we bring in after running, that we just let sit without ventilation for a few hours.

It could be the stench of man that winds itself over from the boys apartments right outside our window.

Or, (and this is my number 1 theory) it could be the family of smelly gnomes living under Taylor's bed.

Either way, our room smells like high school boys locker room, and we aren't sure why.

If you would like to send a care package to me encasing febreeze, we would be very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed (almost out loud!) when I read the part about your hair :)

    Sorry things are a bit smelly....Check for shoes and socks!
