29 June 2011

Young at Heart Apparently....

"Let's go get dinner after work" An innocent statement right? That's what I thought too...

Me and 2 other ladies headed over to the only open fast food at 11 at night, McDonalds. Nina called some of her friends to join us, not a problem right? I didn't think so at first either.

They arrive. A loud and out of control bunch swarm our seats. They are all a bit older than me, the youngest being 20. But I didn't think that a problem. They oldest had to be only 25 or so right?

These kids were my kind of people. Extremely loud, and a little on the crazy side. One in particular took a rather strange liking to me. Posing all of his questions, jokes and comments, directly at me. It wasn't too bad... Although his jokes were not my cup of tea. And I had always thought that pretending to be "Bad A" was a very "high school" thing to do, but this guy definitely proved me wrong.

As the night came to a close, they all wanted to play soda drinking games, but it was late and I felt like going home was a better choice for me, so I started to say my goodbye's to my girls. I was then ambushed. A man with a Santa like figure ambushed me. It scared me and I wasn't sure what to do... "We should be facebook friends!" So right then and there he whips out his phone and looks me up.

When I got home, I agreed to be his friend, but only to gather some more information on this interesting character.... He had graduated high school in 1996, I was born in 1992. This man was old. 33 years old, nearly old enough to be my dad. And that was the end of our facebook friendship.

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