30 March 2011

Private Idaho


BYU-I here I come.
Rejection letter for music. Again. I told them I wasn't good enough to audition for these sorts of things. They should have believed me. Oh well. Another one to hang on the wall I 'spose. All my non-existent talent will be put towards my senior recital in early June. If you read this you are invited.

Even though music won't be my major, possibly not even my minor, I will still be attending the Y. Idaho style. I will be avoiding flip-flops, sweats to class, boys in my dorm, and warmth come next school year. My roommate wishes to attend the temple with me once a week, and after facebook stalking my potential bunk mate, I came to the conclusion that (based off merely her profile picture) she plays the harp and looks rather shy. Poor thing doesn't know what she's in for, having to live with me. Nor does the other room of girls in the apartment. They're all in for a lovely surprise.

I have helped a total of 6 boys either ask, or plan the asking for prom. But have yet to be asked myself. I believe I have come to terms that my attendance at prom will be non-existent.

Softball practice gets interesting. We dance on the field, watch our coach pull off moves he shouldn't try, scream like Polynesians, and stick our tongue out when concentrating. (It's something I don't realize I'm doing. No pictures please) I love senior year sports.


  1. Brenna-Lou-Who:
    You'll enjoy Rexburg! It takes some getting used to, but somewhere deep inside it's freezing, bland, dusty exterior is a something to love... Uhh... Let me know when you find it...

  2. I got a music rejection letter today, too. Only it was of the "Snow College" variety. Blows.

  3. Brenna.
    This post made me sad. I could just see you writing this, trying not to show that you really are sad. :(
    I've heard you play your violin, and I think you are extremely talented. I just think that this is Heavenly Father telling you that's not your path, you know? And Prom schrom. If you go, you go, if you don't, you can drive up here and spend the night in my dorm room! That'd be so so fun!
    Your roommate is going to love you. Everyone loves you. And I like that you're going to be close to me still. I like that you're coming north not south.
    I love you Brenna. You light up my life :)

  4. Brennenena, you are talented, you just didn't audition well that time.

    PS If you help more boys ask people to prom, you should have *them* crochet it in a wash cloth. Just saying. ;)
