07 March 2011

Club Can't Handle Me

Flo Rida.
It wasn't a hard core club, but they were serving fancy drinks, the stamp only appeared under a black light, and admittance under the age of 21 was more expensive than if you were of drinking age. I felt so cool.

I was sitting in front of a couple drinking wine. And the group at the front of the room was clearly wasted up to high heaven. We went to see the performance, which I might add was nothing less than superb. 2 guitars, 2 percussionists, a bassist, and an accordion. You can't get much better. These kind of guys perform at clubs and bars. And me, my little 18 year old, high school student self got to witness the performance.

The drinking was stupid of all the people around me, and I would never wish to act as they did, but I felt like an actual adult walking into a club.

The scene in movies where a small group sits at a high table in a room with stadium-ish seating. They are given a menu of small appetizers, drinks and desserts, they listen to the performers, snap to show their pleasure, and wander off into the night to find a taxi. I felt as if that night I got a small sip of what that life would be like. And for some strange reason that life has always seemed so appealing to me. I'm close to the real deal though. Only 3 years to go.

Sidenote:However appealing this life seems to me, I promise you all to never take a drink.

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